Thursday, March 10, 2011

Taking My Test Saturday!

So it's been like forever since I've posted on here and well I'd say I'm totally slacking on my New Year's goal of blogging more frequently! Oh well, there just hasn't been a lot to really blog about until now..... I'm really excited right now! I'm taking my HAM radio license test on Saturday and I'm pumped and excited because I feel confident that I'm going to pass it THIS TIME! YEAH! And hopefully as of this time next week, I'll be able to talk on one of these babies........

 This actually looks just like the one that's in my husband's KIA right now. (I know, I'm a complete DORK!)

      Okaye, so your probably thinking 'what is she talking about? HAM radio test?' Well, to start off ham radio is "both a hobby and service in which participants, called "hams", use various types of radio communications equipment to communication with other radio amateurs for public service, recreation, and self-training." Okaye, that was the official definition of it, but basically means you can talk to other people that have the same license and it not be through cell phone towers and if any natural disaster ever happens, you can help with emergency communications and Ryan and I will still be able to communicate without use of cell phones. AND not every one has a ham radio license, so it's just cool to say, "Hey I studied my butt off and have something not many people especially my age have today!" Sounds pretty cool to me! :)
  This actually isnt my first attempt to take this test. This would be my 2nd attempt and I'm determined for it to be my last attempt because I'm way more prepared and it has literally consumed my life over the last 2 weeks and so I'm GOING TO PASS this thing on Saturday!!!! 
   My husband had decided to study and take his ham radio test last year and took it and passed it in April 2010. Right about the time he got his license I got really sick with my gall bladder and spent many nights lying in bed listening to him talk to people and get familiar with ham radio and the operators in and around Mountain Home, AR. It was so interesting just listening to him, mostly guys, sit around and talk. I really wasn't too interested in it myself at the time and just enjoyed listening to him and see him find something he really enjoyed! Right at the end of June the conversation came up about me getting my license and I toyed with the subject and decided to take the test. The timing just happened to be right when my 10 year old sister was coming to stay with us for 2 weeks and it only gave me a week to study. Well the day came and I wasn't sure if I was ready to take it, but decided to take it anyway, partly because my husband had been talking about it to all of the ham operators on the nightly net about it and well, I didnt want to let them all down.  So I took the test and I didn't do as bad as I thought I would, but didn't pass it either! :( I was 2 away from passing it! I WAS SO DISCOURAGED! I know I should have just got back up on the horse, as they say but, hey, my pride and ego was hurt and didn't decide to retake it at that time. :(
Forward time about 7 months and I finally decided that I was ready to get back on that horse and re-do the test! So about 2 weeks ago I started studying and haven't stopped every day since! I've taken 27 pages of notes, written about 175 note cards and taken, I dont know how many practice tests! This time I'm ready to take this test. There is a bank of about 235 questions that could be on the test and only 35 on the test. So, please pray for me on Saturday morning at 9am that I pass the test this time and all my hard work pays off! And yes, I'm sure a chessy picture of me holding my license will be posted in the near future if I pass my test! Wish me luck! :)

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