Monday, January 10, 2011

New Mexico Pictures, FINALLY!

I posted right after our trip from New Mexico that we got to see some amazing sites and took some awesome pics, but then my computer broke and didnt get to upload them to the computer. Well, this weekend my lovely hubby uploaded pictures for me and now I finally have them to share. I hope you all enjoy!

 In the middle here, you can see all of the radio, tv, and cell phone towers that are a top of the Sandia Mountains.
                            Beautiful scenery! Looks so pretty from here.

This picture is my favorite picture that Ryan took from his hike on the La Luz Trail. He says that this is about half way up the Sandia Mountains that him and my Dad's gf were hiking up that day. The top is at about 10,000 ft in elevation. That is tall, no thanks I think that I'll stay on the ground! LOL

This is the only picture that my hubby actually got of himself that day of hiking up the mountain. He was too busy taking pictures of the scenery and getting used to the changing elevation the high they went up.

This one was taken at the restaurant at the top of the Sandia Mountains at about 10,000 ft above sea level! Wow! 

We went to an Indian Reservation one of the days that we were in New Mexico. The rocks are so red and pretty that they look fake. It was so windy and cold that day. I literally got out of the car to have Ryan take like 3 pictures and ran back to the nice warm car. 

After we drove around and after I had taken some Dremamine because of all of the twisty-turvy roads we got out of the car and ate at this little restaurant with a nice big fireplace in the corner. It had started to flurry outside and the fire had keep us warm from the door opening from people coming in and out of the restaurant. We had a great trip and I have tons more pictures from the week that we were there but these are just a few of my favorites. 


Okaye, so anybody that knows me, knows that I'm soooooo not an animal person. I've never understood how people act and treat their pets like they are kids. I don't like it when pets jump on me or lick my face. Having a pet just wasn't for me, or thats what I thought, until October. Ryan and I went to KC to visit our family for my cousin's wedding and by the time we left that weekend I mentioned to Ryan that yes, maybe we could get a dog. He has wanted one for quite some time, but I was never up for it and it never seemed to be the right time. Well all of the sudden it seemed to be the right time, but I was very certain about what kind of dog that I wanted. I did NOT want a big dog. One that would take up my space in the bed wasn't something I wanted. I wanted a small dog, one that wouldn't jump on me too much and would love me and just cuddle with me. We came home after that weekend from KC and Ryan started looking for dogs. He talked to one of his guys from work and he had just rescued a little dog and didn't really have the room for him and said we could stop by and see if we liked him.
I fell in love with him! He is so cute. How could we not, look at that face! We spent some time with him and played and he was a little scared of us at first because we found out he was abused as a little puppy. We decided that he just had to be ours and took him home.

Doesn't he just look like a great cuddler? And he is and he loves me and Ryan! He loves going on hikes with Ryan. Ryan will start getting his hiking stuff ready and Franklin gets all excited and makes Ryan keep up to pace with him on the hiking trails instead of the other way around. :)

He was a little shy at first coming to his new home. He spent alot of time in his kennel, but he learned over time and with some lovin' from us that we were going to take good care of him! He and I for that matter have come a LONG way in a little less than 3 months. He has become very loving, loves to cuddle with me and follows me every where I go. He is my protector and comforter when Ryan isn't here. Every morning when Ryan gets up to do the paper route at around 3am he comes in, hops in the bed and cuddles at my feet until Ryan comes home. It is sooo cute! He also has to lie right next to me in the bathroom when I'm taking a bath, every time. And when I cry, which has happen frequently lately with being so emotional, he comes up and jumps right in my lap and lets me know he's there to take care of me. And with all of that, I've come along way with him! I said before that no dog will be in our bed, but now he's there whenever he wants to be. I get up and help take him out and when we have to leave him like when we went to New Mexico for Thanksgiving, I act just like his Mom making sure he has his food, water, toys, and favorite blanket just like he was my own son. I now understand those people that consider their dog as their kids!

Friday, January 7, 2011

A New Year!

So as this year begins and with it tomorrow I turn another year older I've realized that I have high hopes for 2011. I have alot of things that I want to accomplish and most of which are totally out of my hands. I know its kinda weird to have things YOU want to accomplish and yet have no control over them, but thats just the way it is right now. I know that there is a reason for everything in life and that life is like a puzzle sometimes where certain pieces have to fall into place before the rest can fit into place with it. I guess I'm just stuck on where God is trying to take us right now and don't really know what I'm suppose to do, in order for the pieces to fall into place. I feel like we are ready for a major life changing event right now, but do not know what exact that is or where to start. I guess there's only one thing that I know I want and only I have the power to change in 2011. And that would be to get better at blogging. I get so excited each day to come day and see what the new posts are on the blogs that I follow. Yet, I'm horrible about doing the same! I guess its been lately the lack of pictures that I have, which is none lately. I've been horrible about taking them lately. I seriously took 2 of Christmas with my family and when I asked my husband if he got any pictures? The answer was 2! We have a total of 4 pics from xmas and all 4 are just random shots that dont even make much sense. It's pretty sad. So I'm going to try and focus all of my energy into something I can control and blog more often!

Hopefully my next post will be sharing some pictures that we did take from Thanksgiving that I have yet to upload on the computer! That is my goal this week to have those posted!:)