Sunday, November 27, 2011


Well, as of tomorrow I have been in the hospital for 2 weeks! Yuck! I'm so ready to get out of here. I am still a little bit weak, but I can now walk up and down the walls and down to see Zoey without having to have Ryan wheel me around in a wheelchair. We are planning on me getting out of the hospital tomorrow am!!!!!! I'm praying that is true. I've been taking so much medicine for my blood pressure and for my heart and they have been giving it to me all in the mornings and the last 3 days its made me feel so sick afterwards. They finally today decided to change it so that I don't take all of my meds all at once and we figured out the medicine that's making feel so sick and hoping to change meds so that it doesnt make me sick any more. The cardiologist has decided that I will have to wear a heart monitor vest thing for a little while that will shock my heart if the need arises. I'm not really looking forward to that one at all, but it sure beats the alternative. I've got a beautiful baby girl that needs her Mommy AND Daddy!
 Zoey has apparently decided that she too is ready to leave the hospital!!!! In just 12 short hours since we saw her last night she has gotten rid of her IV, gotten her feedings up from 20mL to 24mL, learned to suck on her pacifer and get upset when she looses it out of her mouth, and today they are going to start bottle feeding her. It is so exciting to see her doing so awesome!!!! The only other criteria that she needs in order to move down to the next level is keep tolerating her feedings, and get off of the billy light for her skin jaudice, and gain another pound. She can do it and her nurse today is saying that it looks positive to happen in the next couple of days. We are hoping so! We are all 3 so waiting and praying that we can all go home soon, okaye make that 4 because I know that Franklyn wants us home too. He has only seen me once in the last 2 weeks and that was only for a min. when I got to get wheeled down to the lobby in the wheelchair just to say hi. I know he feels like we have forgot about him since he is staying with some friends of ours, but he will soon know we didnt leave him and we will all be together as a family soon!!!!

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