Thursday, December 9, 2010


I was so excited to FINALLY after 3 years of having a tree in storage, actually getting to put it up this year. This was the first year we've had a place to ourselves and to me, it meant alot to finally put up "our" tree. I know that it sounds dumb, getting so excited over putting up a tree. But, it really has got me thinking lately how the littlest things in life really are what matter most. I was at work yesterday and thinking back how when I was a kid the month of December always seemed to drag on forever and ever til it was Christmas and now as an adult, this month is just flying by. Same goes for the excitement of Christmas all together. When I was little it was all about presents and having a huge list and wanting this, this and this and now it isnt that way anymore. It me now I just want to spend time with family for Christmas and the things on my list this year are practical every day things, not toys and wants. Now, I get more excited seeing the look on my sister or niece and nephews faces when they open their presents. I get excited everytime Ryan and I get to start a new tradition and look forward to us having kids and the Christmas traditions of my childhood will be transformed to new ones for my own little family. I'm a very big tradition person and I've learned since being married that it isnt always about doing things exactly like it was when I was little, sometimes the best traditions are the ones I always wanted to have but never did til now.

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