This is what I found after I walked back into our bathroom from changing the laundry over. I was out of the room for maybe 2 mins. She's giving me this "I'm not doing anything wrong Mom?" Look. This morning I looked over at her while we where in the living room and she had crawled her way to the front door and found a mini American Flag that was in the plant and she had the flag above her head just waving it. It was too cute to really yell at her about. We have that problem a lot, she's just too cute but likes to get into everything. You would think that the girl has no toys, but our living room and her room would tell you different! She FINALLY has some teeth. They were just taking their time coming in, but 4 of them came in all at once. We had a rough couple of days about 3 weeks ago with them hurting her at night a lot, but with teething tablets, oragel, and extra Mommy and Daddy loving, we made it through.
You can see her 2 top teeth in this picture. Mommy was cleaning her room I put her and all her stuffed animals in her bed to play. See, you can tell by the amount of stuffed animals that she has toys. Here are a few other pics of what she's been up to lately.
This picture is an example of why you should listen to your Mommy and that she knows best. Zoey thought she didn't need to take her 2nd nap of the day and this was what happen because of it. She had already finished her dinner and was waiting for us to get done eating and she fell asleep. It was too cute not to take a picture of!!
Learning to move and get where she wants all by herself. She will crawl to where she wants and then pull herself up. Hold on to what she wants and then bend down and crawl down to the next place she wants to go.
Showing her KU Jayhawk Spirit!!! Rockchalk!!!Snuggles with Daddy are the best! Daddy will say, "You're just my little baby." And she will repeat ba-by back to him. They also rub noses and he has got her saying mmmmm.... and shaking her head back and forth giving Daddy eskimo kisses.
Mommy and Zoey
She loves to stand up in the tub and play with her toys like that. Her favorite is throwing the soap bottle into the tub and playing with the Duck faucet.
She had a purple bow on to complete her outfit, but she noticed it was there and took it off. We got her these super cute Baby Nike's on Clearance a couple of weeks ago and I could not resist! I could not get her to smile for anything. I think she thought that she looked too much like a K-State fan and didn't want to smile about that! LOL She looked super cute though.
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